Wednesday, August 01, 2012


The other day, while watching Himitsu no Arashi-chan, I was quite intrigued by this famous Aussie breakfast goodie called the Weet-Bix.
Figure A: Weet-Bix, as held by Aiba Masaki.

Figure B: The cereal sitting on top of the cat blanket I made couple of days ago.

Figure C: Sakurai Sho demonstrates the correct method of consumption.

Thoughts: Sakurai is class, and I'm just some kid, hence no honey in my Weet-Bix. In fact, I didn't have milk so I had my first encounter with it straight up and dry. Oh yea! It was good -- felt like a hearty version of some sort of biscuit. Will report back if adding milk and honey births a vortex of delectable unearthliness.

I also tried Vegemite along with the Weet-Bix today, for the very first time in my life. The flavour itself was alright, quite similar to soy sauce in a sense, but the aroma and after taste reminiscent of some lad who's had a bit too much to drink and came off slightly too strong.

On a day when I feel adventurous, I shall mix the both of 'em to truly sense the greatness that Australia has to offer.